About Me

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Radiant Cola True Freindship New Sine Wave Cafe, U.S. Outlying Islands

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A lot of people have avoided me since the BIG....PUBLIC revelation of my bipolar illness. Sometimes it hurts to sit and think about all the fiction in my head. What I mean by that is, there are people I think of as my closest friends, but if you were to look at my recent call list you can always find Alan and Jane. So I will lavish them with accolades in this post. Because they listen to me rant and rave and scream and cry and laugh and "conversate" and I can (and do and will) call them at any time of the day or night. And they'll take the call. You got that?

I realize a lot of people, myself included, wonder about the wisdom of "putting it all out there" on a public blog. There are posts that slag off family members, old friends, and let's never forget the fact that this blog is only truly abundant when my heart is weeping over That Man That Man That Maaaaaan

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