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Radiant Cola True Freindship New Sine Wave Cafe, U.S. Outlying Islands

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Next Time I'll Wear A Mylar Sleeve

Paris called at 12:14AM.

I'ma have to show you how hide that shit, girl. Don't you know most muthafuckahs couldn't draw a heart even if you gave 'em a piece of paper, a pen and a $50 check? Keep your head up and I'll holla at you tomorrow.

They say fools rush in. What I want to know is how they knew me in the first place. Why didn't they pay me a visit, sit me down, offer me a cuppa tea and then proceed to hammer it into my tender skull with blunt force? They seem to have an aerial view of the love terrain. Couldn't they throw down a phamplet or two to help this straggler out of the wilderness?

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